Sunday, October 19, 2008

Jonah - our new Little Giant

So much for this guy looking like a preemie.  Jonah is eating like Noah did when he was that age.  He's got a big 'ol belly, double chin, and a short stack worth of rolls on his arms/legs.

I've been slackin on my camera game, but i did manage to snag a couple on my celly.

As you can see, his hair has lightened up a bit, and his eyes are getting a bit darker.  We still can't tell if he'll share blue eyes with Noah/Caleb, or if he wants to be even more like daddy (another brown eyed bandit).

Either way, he is one cute Universal.


NWO Observer said...

Visit this blog. Thank you!

SPA said...

Oh man, he's got the young spa gut, I was round as a beach ball as a baby