Monday, September 29, 2008

#4. the Mayo Clinic - w/ guest poster Linda

Today we have a special guest poster.  It's non other than the wonderful. . .the infamous. . .the tireless. . .the forever loving. . .the mother of the mystery herself. . .Linda!!!

Jamie had a rough day of testing, so here is the update from the mouth (actually fingers) of Linda:

Hello from Minnesota to each of you,
God certainly has been involved in all of the details here at the Mayo!  Today was a very tough day for Jamie.  Both mentally & physically.  We were scheduled for 2 appointments today and were able to add another 1 which was originally scheduled for tomorrow.  This was an answer to prayer as that frees us up to move our appointments around and, Lord willing, have an earlier exit date.  Please pray that our Neuorology appointment, which is next week Oct. 7th, would be able to be moved to this week.  
We both are amazed (why, I don't know) that EVERYTHING is just falling into place.  Why do we doubt what God promises?

A quick run down on today:  
7:45am appointment with Endocrinologist.  Apparently in Jamie's records that we brought from home was a report that she had a lump on her thyroid (which no one mentioned back home).  The doctor, without even talking insurance, payment or involving the Business Office said "I would like to do an ultrasound on the lump, and it will be on me".  During the ultrasound she says she'd like to do a biopsy (which was done within 30 minutes!).  It was very uncomfortable and painful for Jamie. Eight needles in the neck.  
The next appointment was an ultrasound of the neck!  When she was finished at that appointment the Endocrinologist called and asked if we could come back as she had the results.  The biopsy was not cancer, PRAISE GOD!  We had 25 minutes to get to the. . .
Next appointment:  Transesophagea Echocardiogram (put under - tube down her throat to check behind the heart for any holes).  
Needless to say we exited the HUGE clinic via-wheelchair to the shuttle.  She rested a bit and we went downstairs in the hotel for dinner as she hadn't eaten since 6:00 this morning.  For those of you who know Jamie well, this won't surprise you:  she still had a smile for everyone and couldn't have been any nicer!!!
Her pulse rate and blood pressure continue to be very low. So many have commented on that (whatever that means, I don't know).  All in all we are both VERY encouraged and just continue to thank God for allowing us to be here. We thank all of you for your prayers and support. We'll continue to keep in touch.
Love,  Linda - and Jamie   :-)

Friday, September 26, 2008

#3. the Mayo Clinic - who's paying? wait, how much?

Well, we just got word that our health insurance DENIED the approval for Jamie to get treated at the Mayo Clinic.  We had to pay $3000 just to talk to the initial head doctor, and now another $8500 for the initial testing they have planned.  As of now it's going on the credit card, but where will it end?  I feel like we're gambling with the skills of the doctors at the clinic. . . "i got $11500 says they'll figure it out in the first couple days!"  This is so overwhelming it's almost comical.

We are going to continue to hound Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield to try to get our appeal to move along faster, and hopefully we'll get approved the second time around.  If not - hopefully our house sells soon - because Mansfield Village Apartments are sounding really nice right about now.

This is the type of sweet deals you get from insurance companies. . .
fail owned pwned pictures
On a good note, the doctor(s) that reviewed all of her previous records were impressed with our (Jamie's) organization, and said they had a lot to work with already.  Apparently there were a few 'red flags' from prior testing that were never followed up on (great in-network doctors).  They are going to do some general testing along with some area-specific testing based on previous findings and inclinations they have already.  Thank you VISA for making this all possible.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

#2. the Mayo Clinic

well, Jamie is at the hotel near the Mayo Clinic waiting until morning for her first appointment.

here is a copy of the email she sent to some family/friends. . .

Hello to all of you!!!!

My mom and I arrived safely in Rochester, Minn. today and are ready for a much needed restful nights sleep!   The people here are so friendly and very helpful!   The Mayo Clinic had a hospitality/info. desk at the airport which really was very helpful.  The women there called over to the Mayo Clinic to check tomorrow's schedule for us and she found out that I am to fast tonight so that if testing is started tomorrow, I'm ready to go.  Registration is at 9am and our first doctor's appointment is set for 9:45am at which time the doctor will try and determine which floor I should be assigned to or which tests should be started.  Please continue to pray for the doctors as they hear my story and try to figure out what is going on.  Thank you Barb for getting us to the airport safe and sound and with time to spare!  Thank you Oma & Granddad for all you do for me, family & friends for all of your support, love & prayers.  I will try to keep you in touch by way of e-mail.

Much love,


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

#1. the Mayo Clinic

i better start numbering these updates, cuz it could get ugly.

For some reason i haven't been looking forward to writing this post.  Maybe in the back of my head i didn't think this day would come.  In some weird way, i still don't believe it.

Tomorrow Sept 24 @ 1pm Jamie's flight leaves for Rochester, Minnesota (or should i say - Meenehsawta).  With a doctor referral (thanks Dr. Theune) we were able to get Jamie's appointment moved up. Praise God.  The first 7-10 days she will be accompanied by Linda - her mom (i need to stay back and run the family business while my parents are away).  The following weekend i will be flying out, taking the place of Linda, and staying with Jamie until she is released (diagnosed & treatment begun - we trust).  Her first actual appointment is Friday morning @ 9am.  The first 5-7 business days will be the Clinic thoroughly hearing and talking about Jamie's entire story, asking questions, and reviewing the HUGE stack of medical documents/films from the past NJ doctor visits.  They may begin preliminary standard testing during this time as well.  If (we're assuming not) nothing is discovered through this testing, Jamie will be assigned to whichever floor they deem fitting for her condition/situation/symptoms.  From there, the future is unknown.  How long will we be there? What will they find? Will they find anything? Is it all in our heads? *sighs, gets on knees and begins to pray*. . .*again*

As an added extra bonus - the approval we thought we had from our insurance company was apparently 'mis-information' given from an apparent 'mis-employee' of HBCBS.  We have all been on the phone all day (all week) over this trip, trying to get an actual pre-approval number.  I won't go in to detail, but anyone who's ever dealt with health insurance companies already knows what i'm talking about.

As far as the stay is concerned, the Mayo Clinic treats you as an outpatient.  Inbetween appointments, and at 'night-night' time we will be staying in the comfort of a nearby hotel, at the comfort of $100 a night.  I'm not complaining, i am overjoyed that we are potentially going to get an answer here, i'm just letting out a little squeak of frustration about the (yet unknown) cost of all this.  Besides, i hear Meenehsawta is nice this time of year.

The Hemberger and Lemp families would like to ask and encourage everyone to continue praying for Jamie, the doctors, and everyone else involved. . . that we will get a final, clear, definitive answer to these issues that Jamie began to experience a couple years ago.  We have faith that this is the answer we've been praying for, and we are trusting the Lord will supply us with all of our needs (in this matter and our entire lives) according to His riches in glory. (don't forget the 'in glory' part. . .thats the biggest part of this whole adventure, think about it)

I will be constantly updating as tests are run and information is gathered.  Check back often, or if you're viewing via Facebook, lookout for my 'Notes'. (or if you're a nerd like me, subscribe to the RSS feed) 

Thanks ahead of time for your prayers.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

If you can't catch em, point at em. (My Master Plan-secrets unveiled!)

One of the things (about being a father) that i'm having a hard time getting used to is NOT being able to do the things i enjoy doing, as often (never) as i would like.  The only solution i've come up with so far is more of an investment in the future of "Hobby Time".  I'm pretty sure i can deal with a few years of not doing any of my old hobbies, but during that time i'm secretly plotting to get my kids to enjoy doing the SAME THINGS I ENJOY!  BWAAAHHAAAHAAAAA!!!!

Get em comfortable around trout - check, make sure they are comfortable being dirty - check, enjoy riding bikes - check, enjoy camping and being in the woods - 1 out of 3 - check, can swim incase the canoe tips - hmmm, not there yet.

Anyway, you see where i'm headed here, in a few years i'm gonna have 3 amazing boys just BEGGING ME to take them fishing, or mountain biking, or camping, or canoe/kayaking, or to the bar for a Sam Adams. . .well, most of them, you get the idea.

Now that i let you in on my master plan, enjoy a few pics of the upper management of the Hemberger house checking out some Brook/Rainbow/Brown Trout at the Pequest Fish Hatchery.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Sleepy Noam (part 1)

this is in the top 5 funniest things i've seen Noah do. . .

if you're viewing this from Facebook, click "view original post" to see the video

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Venomous Chairs

This is the most deadly snake in all of Hackettstown and i caught him with my bare hands. Just look at all that venom spewing out of his huge fangs!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Noah's got game

I promise, i didn't teach him any of my moves. . . he picked her up all by his handsome self.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Finally a fix?

Well, after seeing almost fifty doctors and feeling like everyone gave
up on us, we finally have some place to go...

If you've been following the drama and sadness of Jamie's current
state of health, this is the update to read.

We will, if the current plan works out, be heading to Minnesota on
November 11th. Jamie has been accepted into the Mayo Clinic. The
first, and maybe only time we are there will be around a week long,
if not more.

We will be seeing a Hemotologist between now and then, so maybe he
will find something new before we start our journey to Minnesota.

I will be doing my best to give detailed updates along the way, though
there may be a few entertaining posts in between if I feel so inspired.

Please continue to pray for healing for Jamie, and the strength to
continue the pursuit of a diagnosis and the proper treatment.

Thank you all,